We’ve heard a lot of people who’ve used Ignition or are considering it, have concerns with the merchant fees. We’ve been told within the next four months, ignition will be introducing a convenient button that allows you to pass on those merchant fees with just a simple click.
Ignition is also scalable with the team. It takes them a couple of minutes to set up and send a proposal. You could actually send the proposal in less than 60 seconds if you’re logged in.
If we’ve got a fixed price for a service, you can set up your library. For example, we have a “Look Under The Hood Service”, which is the second opinion on their tax. We just select that service, pop the email, the client name, hit send and it’s done and out. Off the back of that, it does all the engagement letters. If they accept it, it takes payment and raises the invoice. Even in our Xero file, it marks that Xero invoice as paid once the payment clears.
From the moment you provide that initial 60-second input, Ignition does a lot of the admin and heavy lifting. While bigger proposals may take a little longer, the overall experience of having Ignition as part of your business is fantastic. It’s an awesome feature and platform that effortlessly streamlines your workflow.
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