Play Video about How We've Hired 3 Accountants In The Last 3 Weeks

It’s been extremely difficult in the last 12 months when it comes to finding and hiring accountants. 

We think that’s not a surprise, not only in the accounting industry but in ANY industry.

We’ve just hired 3 accountants in the last 3 weeks! 

Hiring Accountants

Hiring Accountants

There are 4 ways that have worked well for us: 

  1. Seek Ads –  We have a constant Seek ad for Junior Accountants to help our team grow. We get a couple of leads through that every few weeks. 
  2. LinkedIn Ads  – We’re using the free job posting section on LinkedIn. We did pay for it at one stage but we had  limited response there. 
  3. Careers Page – We have a careers page on our website which has the roles we are recruiting for.
  4. Recruiters – We used to have 1 recruiter, now we’ve engaged with 3 and we’re getting quite a few inquiries through that

So, those are the 4 areas we are looking at when it comes to finding and hiring accountants for our firm which has resulted in 3 accountants in the last 3 weeks.

If you want to learn how to grow a fun, super rewarding accounting firm that runs like clockwork, join our next High Performance Accounting webinar. You’ll learn the 7 Steps of creating your High Performance Firm.

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