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There’s a few eSigning tools for accountants. We’ve been using eSigning since the very early days of Inspire. In 2013, we used DocuSign, which at the time was the gold standard and one of the first online signing providers.  About 4 or 5 years ago, we started to lose the love for DocuSign. They kept hitting us with quite extreme price rises from 60%, 70% to 80% increases per year so we had a suss with another couple of providers. 

Preferred eSigning Tools For Accountants

We are now using two eSigning providers: 

  1. Xero Sign – which is inbuilt with Xero. We send our clients’ BASs through that. It’s  a simple way to send it out and get them signed
  2. Annature – For document packs like tax returns and financial statements for a group, we’re using a software provider called Annature and have been using it for the last six months. The feedback from the team has been pretty good and similarly with clients as well. It’s a great user-friendly option. 
eSigning tools for accountants

Tech Stack Guide

Check out Inspire’s Tech Stack Guide. Inspire has tried and tested different software throughout the growth of the firm. What worked at the start, doesn’t necessarily get us to the next level. We’ve combined a list of the app or tech stack we currently use with a philosophy of ‘best in class’ when it comes to what we select. Take a look and see if there’s some apps that may benefit your firm