Are you constantly chasing your tail with work – never meeting ATO due dates, clients blowing up wondering where their job is at and always needing to work crazy hours to keep up?Â

Things that helped:
At Inspire, we have HPIs for every team member. HPI stands for High Performance Indicator, not KPIs. Every team member has at least one number that they are reporting on every week – which has been one of the ways we’ve replaced timesheets, is by having HPIs.
Additionally, being a master of project management, diving deep into what technology is needed for the firm as well as weekly team training has been extremely beneficial.
We also have a dedicated QA (Quality Assurance) – he’s our go to for all technical questions.Â
Also, our Q&A is incharge of training the team every week and manages their team planning.Â
Indeed, having a dedicated QA has absolutely changed the game when it comes to reviewing. He doesn’t manage clients directly, so wearing more than one hat at a certain size is no longer beneficial for that person in terms of their own enjoyment.
The solution:
As a result, your firm is meeting agreed deadlines, where clients are delighted with your efficiency, proactivity and turnaround. You are rarely involved in preparing or reviewing work.

Discover your firm’s performance score and identify opportunities of low-hanging fruit to increase your firm’s profit, value and overall enjoyment as the owner of the accounting firm.Â

For more tips and trick around creating a High Performance Firm, follow us on our socials:Â